The Generics Pharmacy Borongan Held Its First Free Medical Consultation

“Ill-health of body or of mind, is defeat. Health alone is victory. Let all men, if they can manage it, contrive to be healthy!” -Thomas Carlyle

As part of The Generics Pharmacy’s mission of addressing the health needs of the people by providing a complete range of quality generic medicines and healthcare products and services, The Generics Pharmacy- Borongan in partnership with Sandoz Philippines, and with the cooperation of AKMA-RESBAK, a non-profit organization, conducted a free medical consultation held last August 22, 2015 at the Borongan City Hall lobby.

As part of TGP- Borongan’s 7th year anniversary celebration and its advocacy on health and healthcare, the free medical consultation was made to reality. This of course addresses the ever-growing need of accessible and affordable health services for the City of Borongan.




A total of 85 patients were consulted, mostly were from Borongan and a few from nearby towns.

The health care team on the other hand consisted of five doctors and six allied health professionals from AKMA-RESBAK, two student volunteers and TGP- Borongan staff.

The event started at around 9 o’ clock in the morning until 3 o’ clock in the afternoon.

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Simultaneously, while patients were waiting for their turn for consultation, health education was being imparted. Important topics about medication compliance, antimicrobial resistance, and facts about generic medicines were taught. Videos about health, exercise and sanitation were also presented.

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The event proved to be a success, owing it to the people who extended their talent, knowledge, expertise and effort. To Atty. May Mercado-Bacsal, TGP- Borongan franchisee, who made it sure that the event will become a reality. To AKMA-RESBAK who actively participated and made the event into existence, the world needs more people like you who puts the welfare of humanity first even to the expense of self comfort. And to the undying love of TGP- Borongan’s staff to the people and  for putting health first above anything else.

11911456_10205109251391116_562631999_n(The Team after the event. Photo courtesy of Bunny.)

It’s moments like these that we realize the true meaning of advocacy. If people cared for one another more often, then the world will be a better one. If we value our health more than anything then the people around us becomes healthier too.

“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.”-Arabian Proverb.

A Challenging Endeavor

Long before I was still studying nursing, it was my biggest dream to organize a medical mission to my hometown. Healthcare and Health is just a second priority here because Health and Wellness is just for some who can afford them. Having a mission somehow can alleviate if not totally, some of the health issues we are trying to battle. Missions are free so people could be consulted without those overly charged fees we pay on hospital bills or clinics. So somehow I imagined myself to organize one. I just don’t know how.

Then years have passed and an opportunity came.

I grabbed it.

Then it is finally being realized and is now becoming a reality. Few more days and my dream wont be a distant dream anymore but a reality. I am overworked. Stressed. I am even doubting my capabilities now that it is finally fast approaching.

But dear Lord, please. I know you gave me that dream because you believed in me. Please give me that courage to push through amidst the obstacles that I will be facing. I know I’m just stressing out but shun the negativity and doubts away please.

I’m very much hopeful for a successful one, and I know I can do it with You.